What could be funnier than white people trying to be black people and doing an extremely poor job of it? That's what this take off on the original Budweiser "WASSUP?!?" commercial is all about. The white people in this ad aren't even drinking Bud after all - they're having an "import" whatever that is, although they look suspiciously like a Heineken or a Beck's. What's interesting is that they threw the Indian guy in there which makes me think these people are MIT Sloan grads or something and not just white guys from Connecticut, home from their jobs at Goldman Sachs, watching the Market recap. Obviously Bud is for real men who subscribe to the "boys will be boys" credo and the imports in the green bottles must therefore be for nancy boys. I think the best part is how the white guys answer the phone with a "This is Brett.." or whatever their name is instead of a simple "hello". I guess the idea here is that it might be their boss calling them at home and they want to seem eager and awake. I do like the ad within an ad idea though. The guys from the original ad watching TV (having a Bud) and an ad that makes fun of Budweiser's competitors. True.
Would love to hear your thoughts on the superfriends version:
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